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NBR Orders
1 Order No. 14/2008, dt. 29-06-2008 (Entitlement Order)
2 Memo No. 10(1)Cus-1/91/109(1-13), dt. 22-03-2006 (Direct Purchase Office)
3 Order No. 7(12)Cus-1/94/502, dt. 23-08-2005 (Re-Import Processes)
4 Memo No. 4(25)Cus.Auc.&Def-93/130-141, dt. 27-04-2005 (Seize Goods Release)
5 Memo No. 15(3)Cus-1/92/(Part-2), dt. 29-10-2002 (Air Condition Machine & Compressors BHP Selection)
6 Order No. 1(9)Cus.Val.(PSI-Misc.)/99/1005, dt. 05-09-2002 (Perishable Goods Declaration)
7 Order No. 5(3)Cus.Val./Cus.Val.Dpt./2001, dt. 13-07-2002 (Customs Valuation & Internal Audit Board)
8 Order No. 10/2002/Cus, dt. 14-05-2002
9 Order No. 10/2002/Cus, dt. 10-05-2002 (Mentioning Name of the Customs Office and its Telephone and Fax number on Import-Export document)
10 Order No. 08/NBR/2002/Cus. dt. 17-04-2002 (Procedure for acceptance and disposal of Bank Guarantee)
11 Order No. 03/NBR/2002/Cus, dt. 27-01-2002 (Standard Format)
12 Order No. 1(9)Cus.Val.(PSI-Misc.)99/358, dt. 16-07-2001 (PSI Rule Violation)
13 Order No. 1(20)Cus.Val.(PSI-Policy)/2000(Part)/288, dt. 17-05-2001 (CRF Related)
14 Order No. 4(25)Cus-8/93(Part-1)/65-90, dt. 28-03-2001 (Auction & disposal of goods)
15 Standing Order No. 100/2000/Cus, dt. 25-07-2000 (Disposal of vehicle and durable semi-durable goods imported by diplomatic missions, diplomats and privileged persons)
16 Order No. 4(5)Cus-4/81/972-981, dt. 23-06-1999 (Public warehouse at the L.C. stations)
17 Standing Order No. 48/98/Cus. dt. 11-6-1998 (Physical examination of goods)
18 Standing Order No. 47/98/Cus. dt. 11-6-1998 (Rapid clearance of goods)
19 Order No. 3(1)Exp.&Bond/96, dt. 30-3-1998 (Private ICD-CFS in the interior of Bangladesh)
20 Memo No. 9(4)Cus-1/93/(Part-1)/162/(1-9), dt. 09-04-1997 (Bus, Truck, Minibus, Motor Car, Tractor & Motor Cycle etc. CKD Define)
21 Order No. 07/96/Cus. dt. 31-12-1996 (Pharmaceutical Raw Materials)
22 Memo No. 1(11)Cus-5/93/778, dt. 10-11-1994 (UPS Classification)
23 Memo No. 9(41)NBR/Cus-IV/72/246, dt. 10-04-1981 (Defence stores)
24 Memo No. 3(84)NBR(Cus)II/74/1766-70, dt. 28-01-1975 (UN and specialized agencies)

ANBR Information
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